Immigration Posters

The immigration poster series was made to inform and educate the viewer. The red poster disproves the myth that immigrants are stealing jobs by proving they are CEOs. The blue poster describes the controversial topic of repatriation. The green poster shows a personal story from my mother who moved from Brazil to the United States.

Do Not Disturb

Do Not Disturb is a campaign to encourage people to step back from their digital lives and replenish their physical existence. Technology has benefits but it also has its downfalls. This movement was created to help us remember to have meaningful human connections. My goal is to have those addicted to technology break their habits. We rely so much on our devices to connect us that we forgot how to talk to each other, empathize, build trust and be present. This project is not only directed to young adults that are generally portrayed to have this addiction, but also to parents and young children. As technology continues to progress so will our addiction. But we need to remember that we have a choice. We have the ability to turn these machines off. We have the ability to put them away and have a real connection with someone.
This project contains: three posters 30 x 46 in, twelve mini cards 3.5 x 2 in, and handmade blind impression phone coasters on 100% cotton paper

Do Not Disturb is a campaign to encourage people to step back from their digital lives and replenish their physical existence. Technology has benefits but it also has its downfalls. This movement was created to help us remember to have meaningful human connections. My goal is to have those addicted to technology break their habits. We rely so much on our devices to connect us that we forgot how to talk to each other, empathize, build trust and be present. This project is not only directed to young adults that are generally portrayed to have this addiction, but also to parents and young children. As technology continues to progress so will our addiction. But we need to remember that we have a choice. We have the ability to turn these machines off. We have the ability to put them away and have a real connection with someone.

Process book